Drone Champions AG, creators of the Drone Champions League and DCL – The Game, have announced their newest innovation, a manned drone capable of aerobatic manoeuvres such as rolls and loops. The “Big Drone” is the brainchild of Drone Champions founder Herbert Weirather, who personally assisted in the testing process, sitting in the single-seat machine as it was piloted via RC control by former Drone Champions League contender and two times world champion Mirko Cesena in Vrsar, Croatia.
“We have developed and built the first-ever manned aerobatic drone with the vision to create a brand-new future racing experience and to recruit drone pilots through DCL – The Game,” explained Weirather, who is also CEO of the Drone Champions League. “Everyone should have the opportunity to fly, and DCL – The Game provides a starting point.”
Blurring the lines between virtual and reality, the Drone Champions League is an innovative race series that since 2016 has drawn the world’s best pilots of small racing drones (quadcopters), which reach over 160 km/h in head-to-head battles. The recognized World Championship of professional drone racing teams, the DCL holds Drone Grand Prix races at spectacular global stops and offers everyone the chance to realize the dream of becoming a pro pilot by playing DCL – The Game.
Just released on February 18, 2020, DCL – The Game delivers a high-speed flight experience right at home, and gamers can face off against pilots from every corner of the globe in multiplayer modes for up to 30 people. In addition to training and playing on DCL – The Game, users can qualify for real-life drone racing events like the Drone Champions League by playing in the DCL Draft Selection. Weirather sees DCL – The Game serving a similar function for the Big Drone contests that he envisions as a future facet of aerial motorsport.
After months of development, in early February Drone Champions AG initiated testing of the Big Drone at an indoor facility in Germany before taking it to Vrsar for its maiden outdoor flights, where aerobatic manoeuvres were successfully executed. On hand to witness the historic milestone were members of Flite Test, which produces expert content specifically to serve the RC community.
“I feel like this experience is honestly a new chapter for multi-rotors. To be able to have kids go into the hobby and aspire for bigger things is always a goal of Flite Test. To see them now aspire to fly a manned multi-rotor is absolutely incredible” exclaimed Josh Bixler from Flite Test.
Next, Drone Champions AG will use the test data to continue refinement of the Big Drone. Meanwhile, aspiring pilots can play DCL – The Game to build their skills for competition in the DCL tracks of today and the Big Drone battles of the future.
DCL – The Game is now available on the PS4, XBoxOne and Steam. For more information, including how to participate in Qualifying for the 2020 DCL Draft Selection: www.dcl.aero/game
Drone Champions League Calendar 2020
1-3 May: Draft Selection, London, UK
TBA Drone Grand Prix Vaduz, Liechtenstein
7-8 August: Drone Grand Prix Moscow, Russia
21-22 August: Drone Grand Prix Simatai, China
2-3 October: Drone Grand Prix Lake Zurich, Switzerland
Drone Champions AG Unveil “Big Drone,” a Manned Aerobatic Hexacopter